
Creating a character for A215

Posted on: November 3, 2011

Derek was an up and coming layer and always dressed to impress. He always wore a black pin-striped suit with a pressed white shirt and a blue tie. He always made sure his hair was dyed auburn with the jar of hair dye that he kept right next to the sink. In his briefcase he carried around a pristine business card holder which was always stocked full of business cards, his brand new laptop and a jar of freshly sharpened pencils. But no one knew the heartbreak he was going through inside. Every evening he would stumble back through the door of his flat, carefully place his suit and briefcase in the cupboard and throw on his sweats before settling down on the sofa. In the lounge there were traces of what was once a happy life. There were square patches on the walls where photos had been that showed the original paint colour of rose white, the rest of the wall had faded to a dull colour. On the mantel piece there was a radio covered in dust and a poinsettia that had withered through lack of care. Why should he look after the stupid plant if there was no one there to share it with? Right next to the plant was a silver locket with the words “love forever” engraved on it. The shine on the locket had started to wear away and it too showed signs of neglect. Derek walked over to the mantel piece and grabbed the locket, “love forever, yeah sure?” he thought to himself and threw the locket back down.

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November 2011